Younger drivers often pay the most expensive auto insurance rates. Statistics compiled over the years show inexperienced drivers are more likely to be the cause of an accident. Most insurance providers will charge higher premiums until the driver reaches 25 years of age. One way to battle these higher premiums is to complete an online or in-person defensive driving course. The certificate can be used to obtain discounts from hundreds of different insurance providers. Combining liability insurance with coverage for the vehicle also significantly reduces the premiums for each coverage type.
Defensive Driving Classes
These can be completed online or in a classroom. The cost is minimal and passing the course is not difficult. Some public and private schools offer this instruction. The course involves learning the rules of the road, driver responsibilities, consequences of driving under the influence and specific laws pertaining to the state where the student resides. Insurance companies offer significant discounts on insurance packages when a younger driver has completed this type of course.
Comparing Quotes Online
A comparison site will take some basic information about the insurance shopper and send it to a database. Multiple quotes will be shown and drivers can inspect the differences in coverage amounts, policy costs and optional protection. Car insurance for young drivers is more affordable when several different types of coverage are purchased simultaneously.
If the driver owns a vehicle the insurance company will want detailed information including the VIN, year, make and model, what optional equipment is installed, where the car is parked at night and how many miles the customer drives each week. Younger drivers should examine the quotes carefully. In some cases the policy offer will have an attractive price, but a large amount must be paid in advance before the policy can be activated.
Liability And Collision Insurance
Liability is required in nearly every state in the country. Failure to carry this insurance can mean an enormous fine. Subsequent insurance policies will also increase in price, especially for younger drivers. Collision insurance is required if the driver is financing a vehicle. Older vehicles that have retained their value should also be covered by a collision and comprehensive insurance package. When comparing quotes online customers should pay close attention to the deductible amount. Most insurance providers quote collision coverage with a £500 deductible. This means the first £500 of a repair cost must be spent out of pocket. A smaller deductible can be chosen but drivers should notice the difference in monthly premiums and do some math. The extra cost per month may not be worth it.